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单位:中南林业科技...     作者:杜富能 罗丹 赵桓     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-08-22

摘 要:黔东南地区的苗族剪纸形象鲜明、题材多样,具有浓厚的民族艺术特色;在分析苗族剪纸艺术特征的基础上,主要探讨黔东南地区的苗族剪纸艺术元素在陈设产品设计中的创新应用,从苗族剪纸艺术的文化内涵、造型元素及色彩元素等三个方面入手,探索其在陈设产品中的创新应用研究。


中图分类号:J528 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The Miao nationality paper-cutting image in the southeastern Guizhou region is distinct and diverse in subject matter, and has strong national and artistic characteristics. Based on the analysis of the characteristics of Miao paper-cut art, this paper discusses the innovative application of Miao paper-cut art elements in the design of furnishings in the southeastern Yunnan region. It can be used in the three aspects of the cultural connotation, modeling elements and color elements of Miao paper-cut art. Product creation provides useful lessons.

Key Words:Miao paper-cut; furnishings; innovative applications