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单位:山西师范大学...     作者:郭学静     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-08-22

摘 要:点、线、面是展厅设计重要的三大基本元素,往往是以点、线、面交叉运用的形式使设计的整体主题突出、特征明析、丰富生动。应用是否恰当将直接影响展厅空间的氛围。本文通过阐述点、线、面的基本规律、对现代展厅设计中的应用进行分析,进而获得点、线、面三种构成元素组合在展厅设计中的应用效果。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract: Point, line and surface are three important basic elements in exhibition hall design. They are often used in the form of intersection of points, lines and surfaces to make the overall effect of the design prominent, clear and vivid. The proper application will directly affect the atmosphere of exhibition hall space. In this paper, the basic laws of point, line and surface are elaborated, and the application in modern exhibition hall design is analyzed. Then, the application effect of the combination of point, line and surface elements in exhibition hall design is analyzed. 

Key Words:constituent elements; exhibition hall; design application