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单位:广东工业大学      作者:王炯炯     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-08-22

摘 要:为了解决市面上对于老年手机界面心理研究的缺失而引入心流理论对老年人的手机界面进行设计改良。文章通过研究现有市面上的手机老人界面以及老年人用户群的生理特征和心理诉求,基于心流理论对老年人群体进行心流体验要素分析。最终得出关于老年人手机界面的心流体验要素关键设计点。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to solve the problem of lack of psychological research on the mobile phone interface of the elderly in the market. This article introduces the theory of psychology flow to design and improve the mobile phone interface for older people. The article studies the existing mobile phone interface on the market and the physiological characteristics and psychological appeals of the elderly user group. Analysis of the psychological pleasure of the elderly based on Theory of Psychology Flow. Finally, the key design points of the eight psychology flow experience factors for the elderly mobile phone interface are obtained.

Key Words:Old man; Mobile phone interface; Theory of Psychology Flow; Emotional appeal; Physiological characteristics