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单位:安徽建筑大学     作者:任陆军     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-08-22

摘 要:随着市场经济的发展,产品同质化现象越来越严重,个性化和地域化产品越来越受人们的喜爱。徽州地域文化也是设计师研究的对象,徽州地域文化最具有代表的就是粉墙黛瓦的徽派建筑,颜色搭配丰富,历来为文人墨客所青睐。轨道交通工具的发展与一个城市的经济发展密不可分,将徽州地域文化运用到轨道交通工具的设计中,能体实现设计文脉中的传统地域性文化元素特征与现代元素融合共生。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of the market economy, products homogenization is becoming increasingly serious, which makes personalized and regionalized products more popular. Huizhou regional culture is a hot research topic, its typical Huizhou architecture with pink walls and gray bricks has always been favored by poets and scholars. The development of urban rail transit systems is inseparable from economic development of the city. By incorporating Huizhou regional culture into the design of rail transit tools, the integration and co-development of traditional regional culture and modern elements in the design context can be realized. 

Key Words:Huizhou; Regional culture; Rail transit; Modelling design; application