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单位:华东理工大学     作者:孟婧 陈虹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-08-22

摘 要:文章从中国老龄化社会现状以及园艺疗法兴起的背景出发,结合老年人群体的特点,分析园艺疗法在老年人健康干预上的效用,进而提出基于园艺疗法的老年产品设计创新思路。研究旨在探索一种积极的方式,去解决目前无意义、无趣且被动的养老现状,为老年产品的创新设计发展提供新的视角和新的思路。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Based on the current situation of China's aging society and the background of the rise of horticultural therapy, this paper combined with the characteristics of the elderly population, and analyzed the effectiveness of horticultural therapy in health intervention for the elderly, and then put forward innovative ideas for the design of old-age products based on horticultural therapy. The purpose of this study is to explore a positive way to solve the meaningless, boring and passive pension problems of the elderly, and to provide a new perspective and new ideas for the innovative design and development of pension products.

Key Words:Horticultural therapy; Older products; Innovative design