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单位:安徽工业大学...     作者:吴莹莹 肖旺群     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-08-22

摘 要:互联网发展进入从“人人互联”到“万物互联”过渡的新阶段,针对万物互联的时代背景下,设计师需要拥有怎样的能力和素质来满足多样化的设计诉求,本文由剖析万物互联下的设计变革新趋势,进一步提出设计系统所面临的新问题,从而为新环境下设计师的素质需求及企业对于设计师的培养方向给出建议。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The development of the Internet has entered a new stage from "everyone interconnected" to "everything interconnected". Under the background of design management for the interconnection of all things, what kind of ability and quality should designers have to satisfy the diversified design demands? Based on the analysis of the new trend of design reform under the Internet of Everything, this paper further puts forward the new problems faced by the design system, and gives some suggestions for the quality and training direction of designers in the new environment.

Key Words:design management; Internet of Everything; design trend