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单位:扬州工业职业...     作者:周佼佼     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-08-22

摘 要:本文旨在针对模型设计与制作课程建设,实践NCEE双创教学创新思维与教学元素,重新整合教学资源,建立健全更为有效的课堂形式及课程结构体系。课程教学过程中,重新定位课前准备内容形式,课中进行形式,以及课后阶段内容形式,加强分享交流、头脑风暴和实践研习,实现序列式考评机制。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to practice NCEE's innovative thinking and teaching elements for model design and production curriculum construction, to re-integrate teaching resources, and to establish and improve more effective classroom forms and curriculum structure systems. In the course of curriculum teaching, reposition the pre-course preparation content form, the form of the class, and the post-class stage content form, strengthen the sharing of communication, brainstorming and practical study, and realize the sequence evaluation mechanism.

Key Words:NCEE; Teaching method; Construction; Model design and making