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单位:绍兴职业技术学院     作者:章运 许海峰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-08-22

摘 要: BIM技术与VR技术本身并不是新鲜事物,但在装饰领域应用还很少,然而这却是推进装饰行业信息化方向发展的必经之路。BIM技术与VR技术对现代室内艺术设计专业教育有着支撑作用。文章从BIM+VR室内艺术设计专业课程开发应用为起点,探讨 BIM技术背景下VR室内艺术设计专业课程教学优势,基于BIM+VR室内艺术设计专业的课程设置、实践教学组织和案例进行解读,以期有助于更好服务学科,推动我国应用型室内艺术设计专业的教育发展。

关键词:BIM +VR课程;教学模式;课程实践

中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:BIM technology and VR technology andare nothing new, but they are very rare in the field of decoration application. However, this is the only way to promote the development of decoration industry informatization. BIM technology and VR technology play a supporting role in modern indoor professional education. Starting from the development and application of BIM+VR, this paper discusses the teaching advantages of VR indoor professional courses under the background of BIM technology, interpreting BIM+VR course setting and its practical teaching organization and cases in information industry, hoping to contribute to the development of service discipline better and promote the educational development of applied indoor specialty in China.

Key Words:BIM +VR course; Teaching mode; Course practice