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单位:清华大学美术学院     作者:崔昊天     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-26

摘 要:设计与科学都是人类的理性活动,并与人们的生活息息相关。现今设计与科学高度融合,科学知识与科学理论已经逐渐成为设计中的重要组成部分,反观设计,其本身具有的创新与整合的属性也在不断地影响着科学,那么科学与设计之间存在着什么样的关系、未来两者又会有怎样的发展。文章通过对设计与科学本质概念、研究规律、以及两者在实际应用中(包括汽车设计、建筑设计等)现实案例与研究数据的剖析,分析后得出设计与科学正在逐步走向高度融合的趋势;最后,通过前文所得出各项结论,合理推测出设计与科学的关系将会发展成为相互融合、协同创新的最终结论。


中图分类号:J50 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Design and science are human rational activities which are closely related to people's lives. Nowadays, design and science are highly integrated. Scientific knowledge and scientific theory have gradually become an important part of design. In contrast, design, its own characteristics of innovation and integration are constantly affecting science, so there exists between science and design. What kind of relationship and how they will develop in the future. Through the analysis of the concept of design and scientific essence, the law of research, and the actual cases and research data of them in practical applications (including automobile design, architectural design, etc.), the paper concludes that design and science are gradually becoming highly integrated. Finally, through the conclusions obtained in the previous article, it is reasonable to conclude that the relationship between design and science will develop into the final conclusion of mutual integration and collaborative innovation.

Key Words:Relation; Essence; Collaborative innovation; Inter-discipline