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单位:广州科技职业...     作者:曲慧敏     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-26

摘 要:随着信息技术和数字媒体技术的飞速发展,传统的平面设计显然不能满足多媒体通信的需要。因此,人们对信息传输提出了快速获取和多种形式的要求。在信息技术发展的同时, 视觉传达设计是通过符号设计实现人与人之间、人与机器之间的互动交流,视觉传达设计受数字媒体的影响,作为传播方式的一种,也产生了一定的变化,这既是一种基于设计基础上的交互活动,也是在数字媒体中通过视觉感官刺激和图形图像化语言实现需求与表现的高度统一。基于此,本文对视觉传达设计中的数字媒体应用进行了分析和探讨。


中图分类号:J50 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the rapid development of information technology and digital media technology, people's life rhythm is accelerating, and the demand for information is also increasing. Traditional graphic design obviously can not meet the needs of multimedia communication. Therefore, people put forward the requirements of fast acquisition and various forms of information transmission. visual communication design realizes interaction and communication between people and machine through symbol design. Visual communication design is influenced by digital media. As a mode of communication, it has also changed. This is not only an interaction activity based on design, but also an interaction activity based on design. In digital media, the demand and performance are highly unified through visual sensory stimulation and graphical imagery language. Based on this, this paper analyses and discusses the design of visual communication in the digital media environment. 

Key Words:digital media; visual communication design; application; analysis