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单位:厦门大学嘉庚学院     作者:赵曼     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-26

摘 要:文章研究的目的是为了探析优秀地方文化包装设计中所需要具备的表现特质。通过分析5项设计竞赛中具有地方文化特征的获奖包装,可总结出在地文化包装设计中“创意概念”多以表现地方文化为灵感,“道具性”多以环保材质为重要考量,“视觉美感”多从具象插图的精美描绘来表现,“传达性”多以营造出产品风格的独特性和文化性为最终效果。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The purpose of this study is to explore the performance characteristics of excellent local culture packaging design. Through case analysis of five award-winning packaging events with local cultural characteristics, it can be concluded that in the design of local cultural packaging, "creative concept" mostly takes the expression of local culture as inspiration, "prop nature" mostly takes environmental protection materials as important consideration, "visual aesthetics" mostly expresses itself from the exquisite depiction of concrete illustrations, "communication" mostly takes the creation of unique product style and cultural characteristics as the performance. The final result.

Key Words:Local culture; packaging design; design performance