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单位:常州工业职业...     作者:王佳竹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-26

摘 要:视觉形态下的图形设计与思维创新之间存在着密不可分的联系,具有极强的相通性。图形设计的传达只有紧跟时代发展步伐,有效融入思维创新理念,才能不断提升创新的合理性、针对性、可操作性,使视觉形态下的图形设计更符合时代特征、审美需求和艺术理念,从而有效实现设计创新发展,促进视觉形态的实质效果提升。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:There is an inseparable relationship between graphic design and thinking innovation in visual form, which has a strong similarity. Graphic design communication can only keep pace with the development of the times and effectively integrate into the concept of thinking innovation, in order to continuously improve the rationality, pertinence and operability of innovation. Make the graphic design under visual form more in line with the characteristics of the times, aesthetic needs and artistic concepts, so as to effectively realize the innovative development of design and promote the substantive effect of visual form.

Key Words:Visual form; graphic design; innovative thinking; Countermeasure research