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单位:株洲日报社     作者:刘文     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-26

摘 要:随着我国现代设计专业的进步和发展,出版物平面设计的现代化转型已迫在眉睫。出版印刷行业对于平面设计有较高的要求,新颖独特的版面能够凸显创新和个性,其中在平面设计中留白则是应用较为广泛的艺术手法,这也符合现代人对于简约时尚的追求和审美情趣。本文以留白艺术为切入点,分析留白艺术在报纸平面设计中的应用,对出版印刷行业版面设计具有借鉴和参考价值。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the progress and development of China's modern design profession, the modernization of the publication graphic design is imminent. The publishing and printing industry has high requirements for graphic design. The design of novel and unique layouts can highlight innovation and individuality. Among them, the white space in graphic design is a widely used artistic technique, which is also in line with modern people's pursuit of simple fashion. And aesthetic taste. This paper takes the art of leaving blank as the starting point, analyzes the application of the art of blanking in the graphic design of newspapers, and has reference and reference value for the layout design of the publishing and printing industry.

Key Words:blank; art aesthetic; newspaper; graphic design