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单位:太原工业学院     作者:武彦如     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-26

摘 要:IP图书是当前纸质书籍发展的新方向,影视IP图书占据了IP出版的主流。梳理了影视IP图书出版现状,分析了作为IP全产业链开发的组成部分,影视IP书籍装帧设计具有融合性、体验性和艺术化的特征,进而从版面元素、结构、材料和总体风格方面,探究了影视IP书籍装帧设计的方法和思路。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:IP books are the new direction of the development of the current paper books. The film and television IP books occupy the mainstream of IP publishing. This paper introduces the current status of film and television IP book publishing, and analyzes the components of the IP whole industry chain development. The design of film and television IP books is characterized by fusion, experience and artistry. Then, it explores the new ideas of the design of film and television IP books from the aspects of layout, structure, material and overall style.

Key Words:Intellectual Property; Film and television; Book design