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单位:福建师范大学...     作者:林如嫣     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-26

摘 要:银饰相比起金化合物有着内敛大方的气质,并且银具有贵金属良好延展性的优势,更容易加工,非常适合制作出款式个性化、多变的首饰造型。随着银饰行业的发展,很多国内外高端银饰品牌进入中国抢占国内市场,而中国的银饰消费也从一开始的低端消费向中高端、高品味的银饰品过渡,消费者的品味更加时尚,中高收入的消费群体追求高品质生活的需求大大刺激了高端银饰品的发展,使得银饰在设计上也越来越贴近国际流行趋势。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:silver jewelry has the temperament and generous compared to gold compounds, moreover, silver has the advantage of good ductility of precious metals and is easier to process, so it is very suitable for making personalized and changeable jewelry.along with the development of the silver industry, many domestic and foreign high-end brands to enter the chinese domestic market, the silver is the silver consumption in china, from the beginning of low-end to high-end, high taste of silver ornaments in transition, the consumer's eyes and taste more fashion, the high income consumers pursue the demand of high quality life greatly stimulated the development of high-end silver ornaments, the silver design is becoming more and more close to the international fashion trend.

Key Words: Traditional pattern; Narrative; Modern design; Spiritual expression