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单位:长春工业大学      作者:葛英颖 李潇怡     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-26

摘 要:传统汉绣有着深厚的文化底蕴和精神内涵,通过技艺特点、图案纹样、色彩三个层面对其艺术特点和文化内涵进行解析,探究汉绣技艺传承发展行之有效的方法。结果显示:汉绣为民间留存了宝贵财富,绣品具有实用性、装饰性及传承性,绣法多变,纹样丰富,对其图案和技艺的传承,应从历史文化中汲取养分,对汉绣技艺重新梳理,有助于进一步发扬传统地方技艺,为现代设计提供新素材和新思路。


中图分类号:G523 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Traditional Chinese embroidery has a profound connotation of culture and spirit, through the craft characteristic designs from three aspects of color, its artistic features and cultural connotation, to explore the han embroidery art inheritance development effective method the result shows: the han embroidery to keep the precious wealth, folk embroidery practical decorative and reproductivity, embroidered law changeable, rich patterns, in its design and art inheritance, should be take nutrients from the history and culture, the han embroidery skills to comb, helps to further carry forward the traditional local techniques, new material and a new idea for modern design.

Key Words:Han embroidery; Patterns; Technical characteristics; Color; Inheriting the development