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单位:华侨大学美术学院     作者:张颖 宋武     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-26

摘 要:文章以泉州提线木偶戏为例,对当下体验式经济发展下的交互媒体设计模式运用于非遗文化的传播方式进行探究。泉州提线木偶戏在传承与传播上面临着危机与创新的问题。交互媒体设计方法在泉州提线木偶戏的传播方式上体现三方面,从用户导向设计、体验式设计、用户模型与设计方法探究给用户带来非遗文化体验和情感共鸣。通过交互媒体设计的方式去创新非遗文化的传播形式,使受众得到更好的体验方式。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The article takes Quanzhou's puppet show as an example to explore the way in which the interactive media design mode under the current experiential economic development is applied to the non-legacy culture. Quanzhou’s puppet show is facing crisis and innovation in its inheritance and dissemination. The interactive media design method embodies three aspects in the way of spreading the puppet show in Quanzhou. From user-oriented design, experiential design, user model and design method, the user brings non-legacy cultural experience and emotional resonance. Innovate the form of communication of non-legacy culture through interactive media design, so that the audience can get a better experience.

Key Words:Interactive media design; Quanzhou puppet show; Inheritance of cultural heritage