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单位:广西师范大学...     作者:郭旭敏 程馨     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-26

摘 要:在“一带一路”背景中,文化发展被列为重点,这为广西非遗竹编产业的发展提供了良好的发展机遇。但旧的、粗糙的竹编制品与新时代人们对竹编产品的高质量、高要求之间的矛盾愈加严重,思考如何将广西传统的竹编工艺文化与时俱进地融入现代生活中是亟需解决的问题。通过对广西竹编非遗文化创意产品的调查与研究,不断探索更好的方式传承与发展广西竹编,充分体现出广西本土文化特色,使其具有国际接受性,从而促进广西地区社会经济和传统文化的可持续发展。


中图分类号:J528 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the context of the “Belt and Road”, cultural development has been listed as a key point, which provides a good development opportunity for the development of the non-legacy bamboo industry in Guangxi. However, the contradiction between the old and rough bamboo products and the high quality and high requirements of bamboo products in the new era is more serious. It is urgent to think about how to integrate the traditional bamboo craft culture of Guangxi into modern life. The problem. Through the investigation and research on Guangxi bamboo non-legacy cultural creative products, we continue to explore better ways to inherit and develop Guangxi bamboo, fully reflecting the local cultural characteristics of Guangxi, making it internationally acceptable, thus promoting the social economy and traditional culture of Guangxi. Sustainable development.

Key Words:Belt and Road; Guangxi Bamboo; cultural creativity