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单位:华东理工大学      作者:周秀秀 张杰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-26

摘 要:目前对海防卫所的研究大多以卫所为统一对象展开论述,缺乏对卫城与所城单独空间的对比分析。本文以浙江临山卫及所辖三山所、沥海所为例,探究卫城和所城的空间形态特征并进行对比分析,以文献史料结合实际调研为依据,从山水格局、平面形态、城池规模、街巷格局等方面进行梳理研究,探索临山卫城及其下辖所城空间的同质性与差异性。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:At present, most of the research on the Coastal Weisuo regards Wei and Suo as a unified object, lacking a comparative analysis of the separate space between Wei and Suo. Taking Linshan Wei and its subordinate Sanshan Suo, Lihai Suo in Zhejiang Province as examples, this paper explores the spatial morphological characteristics of Wei and Suo. Based on historical documents and actual investigation, this paper combs and studies the landscape pattern, plane form, scale of city and street pattern, and explores the homogeneity and difference of the space of Linshan Wei and its subordinate Suo.

Key Words:Coastal Weisuo; spatial form; Linshan Wei; comparative analysis