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单位:湖南农业大学...     作者:邹芷涵 陈筱     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-26

摘 要:为设计出贴合人机关系、符合审美需求和功能需求的海滩垃圾清理车,本文将形式美法则运用到海滩垃圾清理车设计中,从价值体现、整体与细节、节奏与韵律、尺度与比例、稳定与轻巧、兼具科技性的结合进行分析,为海滩垃圾清理车设计的合理性与创新性创造条件。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In order to design a beach garbage cleaning vehicle that fits the man-machine relationship, meets the aesthetic needs and functional needs, the author applies the formal beauty principle to the design of beach garbage cleaning vehicle, and analyzes the combination of value embodiment, integrity and details, rhythm and rhythm, scale and proportion, stability and lightness, and science and technology, so as to create conditions for the rationality and innovation of the design of beach garbage cleaning vehicle.

Key Words:Beach garbage pickup; Value embodiment; Beautiful rule of form