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单位:长春工业大学      作者:赵晓明 赵凤翾     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-26

摘 要:海量信息在互联网时代中应用,信息图形将占据媒体平台。信息图形设计是视觉传达的一种艺术形式与商业形式相结合的手段,也是统计与展现数据的重要手段。本文将重点分析信息图形设计在互联网时代的应用,通过对信息设计的性质分析出其在互联网中所扮演的重要“角色”,了解其主要的功能和作用,发现其在互联网应用中表现形式的问题,并举例分析说明,最终论证观点,使设计出的信息图形在互联网应用中发挥出更大的功效。


中图分类号:J51 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Massive information is applied in the Internet age, and information graphics will occupy the media platform.Information graphic design is a means of combining the art form of visual communication with the commercial form, it has become an important means of statistics and data presentation.This paper will focus on the analysis of the application of information graphic design in the Internet era. Through the analysis of the nature of information design, it will lead to its important "role" in the Internet, understand its main functions and roles, find out the problems of its manifestation in the Internet application, and give examples to illustrate it. Finally, it demonstrates the point of view, so that the designed information graphic can be used in the Internet application. Play a greater role.

Key Words:Internet; Information Graphics Design; Use form