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单位:山西大学商务...     作者:李雪静      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-26

摘 要:近年来,在我国社会整体发展水平提升的背景下,国民经济水平和群众生活质量不断提升,极大程度上推动了我国旅游行业的发展,旅游逐渐成为了一种重要的经济产业,在我国文化建设和社会建设中发挥着重要作用。旅游业的开展可以实现对文化的推广与交流,但有积极影响的同时一定会存在负面影响。基于此,本文以山西平遥古城作为研究对象,进一步分析文化旅游和建筑旅游开发问题,希望对后续文化建设和发展提供一定帮助。


中图分类号:F592 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the context of the improvement of the overall development level of China's society in recent years, the national economic level and the quality of life of the masses have been continuously improved, which has greatly promoted the development of China's tourism industry. Tourism has gradually become an important economic industry, it plays an important role in China's cultural and social construction. The development of tourism can realize the promotion and exchange of culture, but there must be negative impact as well as positive impact. Based on this, this paper will take Pingyao Ancient City of Shanxi as the research object to further analyze the problems of cultural tourism and tourism development of hanging buildings, hoping to provide some help for the future cultural construction and development.

Key Words:cultural tourism; ancient architecture tourism; Pingyao, Shanxi