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单位:沈阳航空航天大学     作者:李少宏 杨小军     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-26

摘 要:展示设计作为人们最直观的感官体验,需要适应受众心理和社会背景的变化而发展。互联网时代的背景下,人们的“衣”“食”“住”“行”发生了各自不同的变化,而展示设计从人们的衣食住行出发结合受众的心理需求,从而衍生出虚拟化的展示设计。作为感官层面最直接和最重要的视觉体验对象,展示设计的重要性不言而喻。而虚拟展示既要结合当代虚拟现实(VR)的先进技术又要符合受众的心理需求,达到受众的要求标准再将所包含的内容以最真实的方法让其感受。本文主要从受众的衣食住行研究虚拟展示在现实生活中的应用,以实际应用案例分析虚拟展示设计在当今社会中的发展方向。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Display design, as the most intuitive sensory experience for people, also needs to cater to the psychological and social background changes of the audience for further development. Under the background of the Internet era, people's "clothing", "food", "housing" and "transportation" have undergone different changes. The display design starts from people's "clothing, food, housing and transportation" and combines with the psychological needs of the audience, thus deriving the virtual display design. As the most direct and important visual experience object at the sensory level, the importance of display design is self-evident. Virtual display should not only combine the advanced technology of contemporary virtual reality (VR), but also meet the psychological needs of the audience, meet the requirements of the audience, and then the content contained in the most authentic way to let them feel. This paper mainly studies the application and research of virtual display in real life in the direction of audience's basic necessities of life, and studies the development direction of virtual display design in today's society through case analysis of practical application.

Key Words:The audience psychological; Sensory experience; Virtual reality; Basic necessities of life