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单位:淮阴工学院设...     作者:顾炎辉 何潇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-23

摘 要:本文基于对目标儿童的用户研究,进行具有创新价值的儿童水杯设计,以提升儿童群体的生活质量,满足他们独特的精神需求。首先,通过对市场上现有的竞品进行研究分析,发现现有儿童水杯存在的不足,总结儿童水杯设计的规律与方法,同时加深对目标群体的分析调研,思考儿童水杯的设计方向。最后,基于发现儿童水杯设计的规律与目标人群调研,提出兼具实用价值与启蒙价值的儿童水杯设计策略。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:To design innovative children’ s water cups based on the user analysis of target children, so as to meet children’ s spiritual needs and improve the quality of their life. First of all, Through the research and analysis of the existing competitors in the market, we found the shortcomings of the existing children's water cups, summarized the rules and methods of the water cups design, deepened the analysis and investigation of the target groups, and thought about the design direction. At last, Based on the survey of target population and discovery of the rules of children's water cup design, the strategy of children's water cup design with both practical value and enlightenment value is put forward.

Key Words:Children's water cup; User research; Innovative design