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单位:武昌工学院 ...     作者:吉毅     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-23

摘 要:本文是在新工科背景下,对设计类专业学生的计算机辅助设计课程教学进行研究,将课程教学及效果运用SWOT模型进行分析,提出“实例贯穿+竞赛引导”的教学模式,并指出该教学模式的实施方法,对计算机辅助课程教学的改革提出了一些建议。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The background of the article is new engineering,on teaching of computer aid design for design specialty,this paper analysed the teaching validity of teachers by dividing the grade of result,using SWOT model multivariate analysis.He has put forward "examples running through+guidance from competition",indicated the implementation method of this teaching reform,offers some suggestions for teaching reform of computer aid design.

Key Words:Design Specialty;computer aid design;examples running through;guidance from competition;teaching reform