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单位:丽水学院     作者:张娜     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-07-23

摘 要:文章以创意衍生品设计课程为载体,尝试提出面对高校工业设计专业的创新课堂教学模式,构建以教师团队和学生团队为基础的“T”型教学模式,推行多维度混合式教学实践。并对课程的前期准备策划、课堂的具体操作手法、课程的考核评价体系等方面进行了系统性地探索分析,找到了一些实际可操作的教学经验,可为后继的工业设计专业方向课程的教学提供参考。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This study aims to design T-shape model to improve the teaching of Industrial Design on the basis of interactive activities in the class, which has been successfully applied in the course of creative product design. To enhance the class results, the material preparation, teaching techniques and course evaluation were systematically explored and optimized to obtain the feasible teaching practices. This T-shape model is applicable in other industrial design classes. 

Key Words:Industrial design; T-shape model; creative produce design; teaching practice