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单位:青岛理工大学...     作者:曹佳南 王涵乙     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-06-25

摘 要:产品交互设计是现代产品设计新的发展趋势,本文将交互理念运用于儿童益智玩具的设计中,通过对交互理念的介绍分析,再结合儿童生理心理特征以及儿童益智玩具的特点,提出交互理念运用于儿童益智玩具设计中的重要性和合理性,并总结出多感官交互的儿童玩具交互设计方法。根据儿童成长特点,分析多感官交互的设计方法,探讨多感官交互方法的可行性。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Interaction design is a modern product design new products developing trend, this paper will interact concept applied in the design of children's educational toys, through the introduction and analysis of the concept of interaction, coupled with children's physiological and psychological characteristics and the characteristics of children's educational toys, put forward the concept of interaction used in importance in the design of children's educational toys and rationality, and sums up the multi-sensory interactive children's toys, interactive design method, based on the characteristics of child development, analysis of multi-sensory interactive design method, the study on the feasibility of multi-sensory interactive method.

Key Words:Children's educational toys; Interaction design; Multi-sensory