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单位:安庆师范大学...     作者:高俊松     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-06-25

摘 要:一个城市的设计应该体现其城市特点,在不同的区域有不同区域的特色,在城市的景观建设方面应该紧密结合历史元素,根据城市建设进程对未来景观建设做出更大的贡献。安庆是中国著名的历史古城,环境宜人,而且名胜古迹数不胜数,城市的文化底蕴十分深厚,具有巨大的开发潜力与市场前景。不过这座历史文化名城在发展的过程中也会面临一些问题,如:经济的发展对城市文化的影响,社会发展产生的生态问题以及人们传承历史文化意识逐渐单薄等问题。文章研究如何在当代更好地传承城市历史文化,转变经济发展模式以及如何实现城市的可持续发展并提出了新想法,例如:保护城市的历史文化遗产、使社会发展与生态保护共同前进、增强城市建设的鲜明性和历史性等等,以此让城市的竞争力得到显著增强的目的。


中图分类号:TU238 文献标识码:A


Abstract: The design of a city should embody its urban characteristics. There are different regional characteristics in different regions. In the aspect of urban landscape construction, we should closely combine historical elements and make greater contributions to the future landscape construction according to the process of urban construction. Anqing is a famous historical ancient city in China. The environment is pleasant, and there are countless historical sites. The cultural heritage of the city is very deep and has great development potential and market prospects. In the process of development, this famous historical and cultural city will also face some problems, such as the impact of economic development on urban culture, the ecological problems arising from social development and the gradual weakening of people's sense of inheritance of history and culture, and so on. This paper studies how to better inherit the city's history and culture, change the mode of economic development and how to realize the sustainable development of the city. It puts forward new ideas to protect the historical and cultural heritage of the city, make social development and ecological protection advance together, and enhance the distinctiveness and historicity of the city construction, so that the city's competitiveness can be significantly enhanced.

Key Words:landscape culture; modern inheritance; construction innovation; sustainable development