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单位:天津财经大学...     作者:马锋 王玉芳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-06-25

摘 要:在创意经济时代下,苗族文化创意产品在开发设计上同质化现象仍然比较严峻。通过对苗族文化创意开发设计现状的调查,及苗族银饰、刺绣、苗族乐器等苗族元素符号的归纳总结,提取极具代表苗族文化的元素符号,结合变形、夸张、抽象、解构与重组的设计手法,展开苗族文化元素在产品创新设计中的深度探索。从而探讨出苗族文化创意产品开发设计的基本思路和实现途径。期待新产品使苗族传统文化内涵以新的艺术形式再现。期望传统苗族文化与现代艺术的碰撞,能推进苗族文化在新时代中的发展。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the era of creative economy, the phenomenon of homogeneity in the development and design of Miao cultural and creative products is still quite serious. Through the investigation of the present situation of the development and design of Miao culture and creativity, and the induction and summary of Miao nationality element symbols such as silver ornaments, embroidery, Miao musical instruments and so on, the element symbols which are very representative of Miao culture are extracted. Combined with the design techniques of deformation, exaggeration, abstraction, deconstruction and reorganization, the deep exploration of Miao cultural elements in product innovation design is carried out. In order to explore the Miao cultural and creative product development and design of the basic ideas and ways to achieve.  It is expected that the new products will make the tra.ditional cultural connotation of Miao nationality reproduce in a new art form. It is expected that the collision between traditional Miao culture and modern art can promote the development of Miao culture in the new era.

Key Words:Miao symbol; cultural creativity; product design