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单位:哈尔滨理工大...     作者:刘建北 宋丽彤     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-06-25

摘 要:传统图案是装饰性和实用性的结合体,也是把自然元素进行整理、变化,整合成有装饰意味的形态,多以整齐、匀称的构成形式为主要特征。在人们生产、生活中时常见到,身上衣物首饰、吃饭的碗碟和道路建筑物均可以看到传统图案的影子。本文旨在探究传统图案的美学特征,将传统图案设计中的秩序感与韵律美的视觉表达形式应用到艺术设计中,与时代创新发展相融合,在创造传统民族特色的同时,设计符合受众的审美需求的作品。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Traditional patterns are a combination of decoration and practicality. They are also the integration of natural elements into decorative forms, mostly characterized by neat and symmetrical forms. It is often seen in people's production and life ,clothing and jewelry on the body, dinner dishes and road buildings can see the shadow of traditional patterns. This paper aims to explore the aesthetic characteristics of traditional patterns, apply the visual expression forms of the sense of order and rhythmic beauty in traditional pattern design to artistic design, Integrate with the development of The Times, and design works that meet the aesthetic requirements of the public while creating traditional national characteristics. 

Key Words:Traditional patterns; Design; The sense of order; Rhythmic beauty