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单位:攀枝花学院艺...     作者:郑剑 王绵绵     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-06-25

摘 要:据有关史料记载,早在吐蕃时期,藏族民间便有了嗜茶的习惯,至今为止,藏族饮茶已经有两千多年的历史,茶已经成为藏族文化脉络中不可分割的一部分。谈及藏茶文化,离不开专门为饮茶发明设计的藏族茶具,藏族饮茶器具具有独特的造型和美感,在设计的过程中融汇了藏族文化符号和元素,外表厚重古朴,纹理清晰,不仅实用而且美观。本文在木里藏茶文化的视角下对藏族茶具的设计元素及其设计要点进行探讨,以期用简洁的语言将藏族饮茶器具的文化内涵和设计式样进行诠释,一方面让人们通过藏族茶具更加深入地了解藏茶文化;另一方面为藏族茶具造型的创意设计提供理论参考。


中图分类号:TS938 文献标识码:A


Abstract:According to historical records, as early as in the Tubo period, Tibetan folks had the habit of tea-loving. So far, Tibetan tea has been more than 2,000 years old, and tea has become an inseparable part of the Tibetan cultural context. Talking about Tibetan tea culture, it is inseparable from Tibetan tea sets specially designed for drinking tea. Tibetan tea drinking utensils have unique shapes and aesthetics. In the process of design, Tibetan cultural symbols and elements are merged. The appearance is thick and simple, and the texture is clear. Not only practical, but also beautiful. This paper discusses the design elements and design points of Tibetan tea sets from the perspective of Muli Tibetan tea culture, in order to interpret the cultural connotation and design style of Tibetan tea drinking utensils in a simple language. On the one hand, let people pass Tibetan tea sets more. In-depth understanding of Tibetan tea culture; on the other hand, provide a theoretical reference for the creative design of Tibetan tea set.

Key Words:Tibetan tea culture; Tibetan tea set; Cultural element; Design style