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单位:西安建筑科技...     作者:姚恒     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-06-25

摘 要:这些年校园盗窃等犯罪行为时有发生,校园的财产安全受到极大影响,因此要做好校园财产安全的情景预防设计,为校园的教师与学生提供一个安全和谐的环境。就目前来看,我国对校园财产安全的情景预防设计认识还不够,在设计中还存在一些不足,这就要求设计人员针对犯罪分子不同的作案形式,设计行之有效的预防方案,比如通过人防、物防等方法对校园盗窃等违法犯罪行为进行有效预防,为校园财产安全提供保障。


中图分类号:D917.6 文献标识码:A


Abstract: In recent years, campus theft and other criminal acts occur frequently, and the property security of the campus is greatly affected. Therefore, it is necessary to do a good job in the scenario prevention design of Campus Property security, so as to provide a safe and harmonious environment for teachers and students on campus. At present, our country does not know enough about the scenario prevention design of Campus Property security, and there are still some shortcomings in the design. This requires designers to design effective prevention programs for different criminal forms, such as through civil air defense, property prevention and other methods to effectively prevent campus theft and other illegal and criminal acts, so as to provide security for Campus Property security.     

Key Words:civil air defense; property security; external theft; crime prevention; prevention design