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单位:东北师范大学     作者:李思涤     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-06-25

摘 要:美育对于儿童审美能力的发展具有重要意义,而环境美育以开启人的感知力和创造力为己任,通过身心和谐发展,培养全面发展的人。本文从美育以及细分到环境美育的相关概念入手,研究美育所具有的特点,再在此基础之上对于环境美育对儿童的审美发展存在哪些重要作用,以及思考美育的意义有哪些,做出了相应的回答,希望能够使人们对于美育以及环境美育所具有的意义给予重视,对相关人员能有借鉴作用。


中图分类号:G61 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Aesthetic education is of great significance to the development of children's aesthetic ability. Environmental aesthetic education is based on the realization of human perception and creativity. Through the harmonious development of body and mind, cultivate people with all-round development. This paper starts with the related concepts of aesthetic education and subdivision to environmental aesthetic education, and studies the characteristics of aesthetic education. On this basis, what important role does environmental aesthetic education have for children's aesthetic development, and what is the significance of thinking about aesthetic education. Made a corresponding answer, It is hoped that people can pay attention to the significance of aesthetic education and environmental aesthetic education, and can have a reference for relevant personnel.

Key Words:Aesthetic education; Aesthetic education environment; Children's aesthetics