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单位:哈尔滨鹏程建...     作者:李和易     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-06-25

摘 要:本文以城市景观为具体的运用研究领域,阐述中国传统吉祥符号在现代城市景观设计中的运用原则。根据中国传统吉祥符号特征、类型及意蕴,针对现代城市景观环境中存在的问题,深入剖析,从问题出发探讨如何运用中国传统吉祥符号来解决现代城市景观形态和文化趋同、特征和个性缺失、审美和情感冷冰等问题。研究力图通过对中国传统文化中吉祥符号的现代运用原则进行探讨,赋予现代城市景观以深厚的文化内涵、审美体验和情境意象,以达到提升现代城市景观文化和生态环境品质,传承城市、地域和民俗文化的目的。


中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper uses urban landscape as a specific application field to explain the principles and methods of applying traditional Chinese auspicious symbols in modern urban landscape design. According to the characteristics, types and meanings of traditional Chinese auspicious symbols, this paper analyzes the problems existing in the modern urban landscape environment, and discusses how to use traditional Chinese auspicious symbols to solve the modern urban landscape culture and form convergence, characteristics and lack of personality. Aesthetics and experience cold and other issues. The study seeks to give modern urban landscapes a deep cultural connotation, aesthetic experience and situational image through the exploration of modern methods of auspicious concepts in traditional Chinese culture, in order to enhance the quality of modern urban culture and ecological environment, and to inherit cities, regions and folk customs that are purpose of culture.

Key Words:China traditional auspicious symbols; urban landscape; landscape design; application principle; application method