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单位:1.广州南洋理...     作者:舒纯1 张立巍2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-06-25

摘 要:21世纪的今天,随着科技的不断进步,设计作为转化科学技术产品的手段,也不断进行着更新换代。但在一代又一代的产品不断诞生后,随之而来的便是对旧产品的抛弃问题,到底是因为产品的时代更替问题导致产品更新换代速度越来愈快,还是消费市场需要不断刺激消费,这些都是我们值得深思的问题。产品诞生于用户需求,因此,对用户需求的研究是产品设计过程中必须探讨的问题。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the 21st century, with the continuous progress of science and technology, design, as a means of transforming science and technology into products, is constantly updating. However, after the continuous birth of products from generation to generation, the problem of abandoning the old products comes with it. After all, it is because of the problem of the replacement of the times of the products that the speed of product renewal is getting faster and faster, or whether the consumer market needs to continuously stimulate consumption. These are all questions that we deserve to ponder over. The product is born of the user demand, therefore, the research of the user requirement is a problem that must be discussed in the process of product design.

Key Words:product design; emotion; user demand