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单位:天津科技大学     作者:胡艳华 龚颖      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-06-25

摘 要:文章通过对家电的造型与结构的分析,探讨了对洗碗机的改良设计,设计出更符合市场和用户的洗碗机产品。分析家电的特征,将合适的造型元素与结构元素应用在洗碗机的设计上,从而确定了壁挂式洗碗机的设计。本文所述壁挂式洗碗机的优点在于:它结构简单,采用悬臂挂钩的安装方式,更省空间,本设计主要针对小口之家、普通消费者等。必要的碗篮和进出水口等元素是设计的重点,外壳体的设计也是这款洗碗机的一大亮点。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Through the analysis of the shape and structure of household appliances, this paper probes into the improved design of dishwasher, and designs dishwasher products more in line with the market and users. By analyzing the characteristics of household appliances and applying appropriate modeling and structural elements to the design of dishwasher, the design of wall-mounted dishwasher is determined. The wall-mounted dishwasher described in this paper has the advantages of simple structure, cantilever hook installation, more space-saving. This design is mainly aimed at small family, ordinary consumers and so on. Essential elements such as bowl basket and inlet and outlet are the focus of the design, and the design of the shell is also a highlight of this dishwasher. 

Key Words:Household appliances features; Dishwasher; Wall hanging type; Space saving