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单位:嘉兴学院     作者:秦紫腾 王艳敏 潘丽吉     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-06-25

摘 要:本文将极具文化特色的农民画作为研究对象,利用软件从每一幅画中提取色彩意象,汇总其主体色彩并总结得出数百张农民画的色彩共性,根据其色彩意象进行色彩图案的设计创新,最终选择适合的生活产品载体进行设计应用,让以往单纯的、可以“看”的农民画绘画艺术,通过设计创新变成可以“用”的生活产品,改变了当代直接“复制”“粘贴”农民画的应用现象,兼顾产品设计的时代感和实用性,满足现代人们的使用需求。与此同时,强调中国传统色彩在现代产品设计中仍具有极大的影响力。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper takes the cultural paintings of peasant paintings as the research object, uses  software to extract the color image from each painting, gathers the main color and gets the color commonality of hundreds of peasant paintings, and designs the color pattern design according to its color image. In the end, we chose the right living product carrier for design and application, so that the simple paintings of peasant paintings that can only be “looked” in the past can become “useful” life products through design innovation, and change the application phenomenon of contemporary directly “copy” and “paste”, taking into account the sense of the times and practicality of product design, to meet the needs of modern people. At the same time, it is emphasized that Chinese traditional colors still have great influence in modern product design.

Key Words:Peasant painting; Color extraction; Pattern innovation; Traditional color applications