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单位:南昌大学艺术...     作者:朱琦 刘超杰 杜卓阳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-06-25

摘 要:生态化设计是实现人类社会和整个生态系统良性循环的重要措施,是现代社会发展的新趋势。我国自古追求人与自然的和谐,古代哲学中就有天人合一等思想。本文分析了家居产品生态化设计的理念、途径和材料选择等问题,希望对于家居产品生态化设计有一定的指导意义。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:ecological design is an important measure to realize the virtuous circle of human society and the whole ecosystem, and it is a new trend of modern society development. Since ancient times, our country pursues the harmony between man and nature. In ancient philosophy, there are such thoughts as the unity of nature and man. This paper analyzes the concept, approach and material selection of ecological design of industrial design products, and hopes to have some guiding significance for ecological design of household products.

Key Words: Household products; design ideas; ecology; home design