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单位:兰州文理学院     作者:荣梅     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-06-25

摘 要:根据世界旅游消费机构相关统计研究发现,当前全球旅游商品购物比重正在不断攀升,特别是在旅游产业发达国家,其旅游商品购物收入大约占比旅游业收入总比例的40%以上,在发展中国家占到20%,而我国在该方面仅达到21%,这说明我国的旅游商品开发模式还尚不到位,还没有起到助力旅游产业综合快速向前发展的重要辅助作用。在本文中将以甘肃省为例,着重分析当地的旅游商品领域开发现状,并为其未来的旅游商品开发机制提出若干对策,创建甘肃省旅游商品的开发设计体系。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:According to statistics from the world's tourism consumer organizations, the proportion of global tourism commodity shopping is rising. Especially in the developed countries of tourism industry, the tourism product shopping revenue accounts for about 40% of the total tourism revenue. China accounts for 20%, while China only reaches 21% in this respect. This shows that China's tourism commodity development model is still not in place, and it has not played an important auxiliary role in helping the comprehensive and rapid development of the tourism industry. In this paper, Gansu Province will be taken as an example to analyze the development status of local tourism commodity fields, and propose some countermeasures for its future tourism commodity development mechanism to create a development and design system for tourism commodities in Gansu Province.

Key Words:tourism goods; Present situation; development model; development mechanism; product development design