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单位:南京农业大学     作者:梁玥 徐美 郭迎新     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-06-25

摘 要:高校校园文化创意产品作为传播大学文化,宣传大学精神的重要载体,已成为高校文化建设的重要组成部分。当下,在高校群体日益增长的文化和情感需求下,文化创意产品在高校的市场中不断扩大。本文通过分析高校校园文化创意产品的发展现状,总结高校文创产品的设计流程,提出尊重用户情感在高校文化创意产品设计中的重要地位,将情感互动融于文创产品设计,深化校园文创产品的文化内涵和情感表达,同时促进高校文化的进一步发展与传播。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As an important carrier of spreading university culture and publicizing university spirits, campus cultural creative products have become an important part of university culture construction. At present, under the growing cultural and emotional needs of college groups, the market of cultural and creative products in colleges and universities is constantly expanding. Based on the analysis of the present situation of college campus culture creative products’ development, summarizing the article and the product design process, the article puts forward to respect user emotions in the important position of college culture creative product design, put emotional interaction into a product design, deepen the campus culture and cultural connotation of the product and emotional expression, at the same time to promote the further development of university culture and communication.

Key Words:University campus; The cultural and creative products; Emotional expression