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单位:广东轻工职业...     作者:李剑锋     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-06-21

摘 要:校企合作是深化高校教育教学改革,以提升企业核心竞争力的为研究目的,企业为主体的校企合作模式和基于产业集群理念的校企合作模式。研究是在当前高职院校艺术设计专业发展机遇和调整下的一种有益尝试,通过依托“项目教学中心”的进行项目制教学的具体探索与实践,实现校内教师和企业专家共建课程,进行专业化和职业化改革,以人才、技术、效益为结合点,深化开展产学研合作,为高职院校突出自身特色和专业教学提供思路。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:School-enterprise cooperation is a mode of school-enterprise cooperation based on the concept of industrial cluster, aiming at deepening the reform of higher education and teaching and enhancing the core competitiveness of enterprises. This research is a beneficial attempt under the current development opportunities and adjustments of art design specialty in Higher Vocational colleges. Through the concrete exploration and practice of project-based teaching relying on the "Project Teaching Center", teachers and enterprise experts can build courses together, carry out professional and professional reforms, and deepen the cooperation of production, learning and research based on talents, technology and efficiency. Regional higher vocational colleges highlight their own characteristics and provide ideas for professional teaching.        

Key Words:higher vocational education; art design; project system; school-enterprise cooperation