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单位:湖南工业大学     作者:何清林 王美艳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-06-21

摘 要:阿富汗北部蒂拉丘地出土的两件“环形对羊纹”手镯,代表着当时金银器加工工艺最高水准,是游牧民族文化与希腊金制品风格的完美呈现。中国南京江宁古墓出土的明代对龙纹金镯应与此有相关性。本文对“环形对兽样式”的起源、特点进行分析,讨论民族文化融合下其流传、演变的过程,并探讨其跨文化艺术美学价值。


中图分类号:TS93 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Two “Double Antelope Ring Style” bracelets unearthed in Tillya Tepe, northern Afghanistan, represent the highest level of gold and silver processing technology at that time, and are the perfect presentation of nomadic culture and Greek gold style. The Ming Dynasty gold bracelet with dragon pattern unearthed from Jiangning Tomb in Nanjing, China, should be related to this. This paper attempts to analyze the origin, characteristics and influence areas of this “Double Beast Ring Style”, and discuss the promoting effect of cross-cultural communication on the spread and evolution of gold and silver ware styles.

Key Words:Double Beast Ring Style; Art aesthetics; Cross-cultural