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单位:福建农林大学...     作者:王丹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:面对当前社会老龄化日益严重的现状,老年人健康问题再次成为关系民生的重要问题。针对老年人的健康问题,随着科学技术的日益完善,逐渐出现了一系列以老年人为目标对象的健康监护产品。本文试图从产品的交互性出发,对老年人可穿戴健康监护产品设计进行研究,探讨其功能和界面改善以及情感化分析。目的在于遵循产品设计以人为本的初衷,合理优化可穿戴产品的功能和用户体验,及时监管老年人的身体健康状况和信息反馈,为老年人带去更多的人文关怀与帮助。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the face of the increasingly serious aging of the current situation, the health of the elderly once again become an important issue related to people's livelihood. Aiming at the health problems of the elderly, with the improvement of science and technology, a series of health monitoring products targeted at the elderly have gradually emerged. This paper attempts to study the design of wearable health monitoring products for the elderly from the perspective of product interactivity, discuss its function and interface improvement as well as emotional analysis. The purpose is to follow the original intention of putting people first in product design, reasonably optimize the functions and user experience of wearable products, timely monitor the physical health status and information feedback of the elderly, and bring more humanistic care and help to the elderly.

Key Words:health care; wearable products; interactive design