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共享型社区住宅空间设计探究 ——以“400盒子的社区城市”为例

单位:广州南洋理工...     作者:漆雪薇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:传统的家族团体居住模式在现代社会逐渐走向式微,现代青年群体更倾向于独立的生活居住模式,单身公寓的出现适应了时代的需求,但传统的单身公寓在本质上虽然保证了私密性,却缺少了更多的共享性与灵活性。本文以新型居住模式——共享型社区为着眼点,通过对“400盒子的社区城市”的案例探索分析,阐述共享型社区住宅空间设计的优势性与可行性,为未来住宅空间的设计提供一定理论基础与参考借鉴。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The traditional family group living mode is gradually declining in modern society. The modern youth group prefers the independent living and living mode. The appearance of single apartment adapts to the needs of the times, but the traditional single apartment is essentially private, but it guarantees privacy. Lack of more sharing and flexibility. This paper focuses on the new residential mode-shared community. Through the case study and analysis of the “400-box community city”, this paper expounds the advantages and feasibility of the shared community residential space design, and provides a certain design for the future residential space design. Theoretical basis and reference.

Key Words:Removable housing; sharing community; living model