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单位:芜湖职业技术...     作者:汪新伟 葛胜升     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:驾驶员眼椭圆描述了驾驶员眼点位置的统计规律,用于汽车设计中评估和确定车辆视野。根据美国汽车工程师协会发布的SAE J941法规,分析了视切眼椭圆和包含椭圆在定义、尺寸及位置和应用方面的差异,对汽车设计中的视野设计起到一定的指导意义。

关键词:视切眼椭圆 ;包含眼椭圆;SAE J941;汽车视野设计

中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The driver's eyellipses describes the statistical law of the driver's eye positions, which is used to evaluate and determine the vehicle's vision in the vehicle design. According to the SAE J941 code issued by the American Society of Automotive Engineers, the difference between the tangent cutoff    eyellipses and the inclusive eyellipses in the definition, size , location and application is analyzed in this paper, which will play a guiding role in the field of vision design in vehicle design.

Key Words:tangent cutoff eyellipses; inclusive eyellipses; SAE J941; vehicle vision design