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单位:绍兴职业技术学院     作者:夏婷婷     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:文章通过以点带面的写作手法,在包装设计的整体实践中加载项目管理环节。在有效利用项目管理流程组理论的时候,将包装设计有效地定位为“绍兴文化体验纪念品”,且划分为5个阶段,将项目管理的方式有机地结合在一起,阐述设计管理的主要特点,以其过程为基础广泛地进行研究与分析,从而提高项目的成功率,并通过实践的案例使项目管理知识系统得到进一步的丰富与优化。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In this paper, it is to point to take the ways, based on project management perspective on the overall packaging design solution process and management to carry out the research. Reasonable on the basis of the theory of project management of the five process groups, the "shaoxing souvenirs cultural experience" whole packaging design solution project design was divided into five main stages, and combining with the project management method, in view of the design characteristics and process management to carry out the analysis and study, and thus improve project success rate, but also can further enrich the practice of project management knowledge system application cases.

Key Words:Project management; culture experience; integrated packaging practice