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单位:1.华南农业大...     作者:戚红彪1 罗哲辉1 宋晓玲2     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:甲骨文是殷商文化存在并能够有效传播、传承的重要组成部分,更是殷商文化遗产的文化基因所不可或缺的重要组成部分。甲骨文是书也是画,自古“书画同源”,书与画就像是孪生兄弟,同根而生,它们具有相同的文化基因而又具有不同的表现形式。甲骨文具有历史的延伸性、人文的精神性、图形的识别性和字体的意象性。深入探讨和研究甲骨文与现代高校标志设计的方法和应用,从而开启文化学府身份符号的研究,为当下设计语言环境下的视觉符号研究提出一个新的研究方向。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Oracle is not only an important component of culture coexist, cultural communication and culture inheritance but also an important gene of cultural heritage for Yin Shang Dynasty. Oracle is both a calligraphy and a painting, Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting are twin brothers which born in the same root, and it is one source since ancient times. Although Chinese calligraphy and Chinese painting have the same culture gene they are different forms of expression. Oracle has a characteristic of history extension, human spirit, graphic Recognition and pictograph painting. To discuss and study the applications and methods for the design of college logo based on Oracle can open a research on symbols of university culture and also a new research direction for visual sign under language design environment.

Key Words:Oracle; Visual symbol; Logo design