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单位:苏州市职业大学      作者:张鸣艳 雷兴武 刘琰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:以苏州甪直水乡女性服饰为例,对苏州甪直水乡女性服饰的起源和现状进行分析,探讨甪直水乡女性服饰中的设计元素,并通过对甪直水乡女性服饰进行调研,找出其在现代服饰设计中的运用现状,并提出甪直水乡女性服饰元素在现代服饰设计中的可行性运用。

关键词:甪直; 水乡服饰; 设计

中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Taking women's costumes in Suzhou LuZhi Water Town as an example,Analysis of the origin and current situation of it. Through the investigation of women’s costumes in LuZhi Water Town, and find out the current status of its use in modern apparel design. And put forward the feasibility of the use of women's costumes elements in LuZhi Water Town in modern costume design.

Key Words:LuZhi; Water town costumes; design