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单位:华东理工大学     作者:郭天慧 刘敏捷     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:瓦当又称“瓦头”,指的是陶制筒瓦顶端下垂的特定部分。在中国传统建筑中,屋顶上成排的筒瓦,上面的屋脊铺至下面的屋檐处,在屋檐的筒瓦为了便于排水,不但把瓦头挑伸在外,而且将瓦头做成封闭状,这种处于檐口部位的筒瓦便称为瓦当。瓦当作为古建筑檐头筒瓦前端的遮挡物件,不仅是具有固定瓦件的作用,也能起到美化建筑的作用,同时也是砖雕屋顶装饰的重要组成部分,而瓦当作为一种传统民居的装饰也可以运用到现代的环境设计当中去。


中图分类号:TU238 文献标识码:A


Abstract:eaves tiles, also known as "tile", refers to a specific part of the top of the ceramic tile. In traditional Chinese architecture, there are rows of shingles on the roof, and the upper ridge is laid to the lower eaves. In order to facilitate drainage, the shingles of the eaves not only extend the tile head, but also make the tile head closed. The tile in the mouth of the mouth becomes a tile. As the obstructing object at the front end of the old building shingle tile, eaves tiles not only has the function of fixing the tile, but also can beautify the building. It is also an important part of the brick roof decoration, and the tiled as a traditional residential decoration. It can also be applied to modern environmental design.

Key Words:eaves tiles; architectural decoration; environmental design