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单位:东北电力大学     作者:胡聚轩     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2019-05-23

摘 要:随着社会的快速发展,人们对自己所处的环境有了更高的要求。现代人们活动的时间变得越来越长,夜间的景观照明就显得尤为重要,大学作为社会的一个重要组成部分,校园景观的照明设计显得尤为重要。在科学技术的不断发展的当下,新型的照明材料逐步的替代原有的照明材料,新型的照明材料能够更好的适应当今所需要的景观照明设计,在安全性、节能性、环保性、耐候性、可塑性等方面有更好的表现,新型照明材料摆脱了原有照明的造型形式,更加多样性、艺术性、观赏性的照明灯具使现代的夜间校园环境变得更加人性化、艺术化,更具有学校的地域特色。


中图分类号:TB491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Modern people's activity time becomes longer and longer, the landscape lighting at night is particularly important, university as an important part of society, the campus landscape lighting design is particularly important.In the continuous development of science and technology at present, a new type of lighting material gradually replace the original lighting, new lighting material can better adapt to the need of landscape lighting design, in safety, energy saving, environmental protection, weatherability, plasticity, etc have better performance, the modelling of new lighting materials out of the original lighting form, more diversity, artistic, ornamental lighting lamps and lanterns make modern night campus environment become more human nature, art is changed, more with local characteristics of the school.

Key Words:new lighting materials; Campus environment lighting; Campus night landscape